Title: Closed Door Policies Author: defyingnormalcy Rating: M Disclaimer: I do not own BSG or its characters. A/N: Written for akachankami because she made me a gorgeous header for my LJ. Her prompt was "Bill and Laura get locked in the head and things get steamy. NO ANGST." Thanks to redrockcanand nixmom for their beta and creative touches. I am also claiming this for the "not too hot" prompt
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Title: Pain's Successor Author: bugs Rating: T Genre: Romance, Humor Word Count: 2,300
A/N: For nixsmom's birthday and fullfilling an about_time prompt, not too hot. I promise to try and make it sexy without sex! Set during Disquiet even! And I hope the special guest star pleases Nix.
This was written in response to the "Not Too Hot" challenge. I think this is Part 1, cause well it hasn't gotten "not hot" enough yet. So with that said, I hope you enjoy.
Title: All in the Timing (Part 1?) Author: nixmom Rating: T Word Count: 1900 Warning: : A/U
Well, not quite back to earth after the wonderfulness that was D*C, I couldn't resist choosing this moment... Let's just say I did some research. As a writer should
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